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Staff Mobility

Teaching Mobility

Teaching staff of higher education institutions has the opportunity to conduct teaching mobility at DGBC. Our college can accept applications from teachers of our Erasmus partner institutions. To apply, please send your application to erasmus@tkbf.hu.

DGBC welcomes teachers in the following subject areas:
buddhist studies;
comperative religious studies;
– south east asian studies;


Before your mobility programme please send your Teachin Plan, signed and stamped, to erasmus@tkbf.hu.

Training mobility

Training mobility is available for teaching and non-teaching staff of higher education institutions. To apply, please send your application to erasmus@tkbf.hu.

Before your mobility programme please send your Work Programme (signed and stamped) to erasmus@tkbf.hu.



Before the Mobility

Teachers and staff members can apply for an Erasmus grant to their sending institutions. Our coordinator will provide a Letter of Acceptance upon request.

Teaching Plans (for teaching mobility) and Work Programmes (for training mobility) has to be signed by the three parties (staff member, sending and host institutions) before the mobility. The documents can be circulated electronically.

After the Mobility

In the end of the mobility programme our cordinators will issue a Letter of Certificate. This document will be required by the sending institution.

Additional information

Financial support (grant) is given by your sending institution. The grant should cover travel, accommodation and living expenses. If you need any help or practical advice, please do not hesitate to contact any faculty or central coordinator.



Csadó Attila és a madárkák koncert A Tan Kapuján

2024. április 19-én igazán különleges eseménynek ad otthont Főiskolánk. Két volt hallgatónk (Csadó Attila és Sántik Zsuzsanna) is fellép a Szertartásteremben, ahol a Csadó Attila és a madárkák zenekar ad izgalmasnak ígérkező koncertet. 


Felvételi jelentkezés nappalis képzéseinkre

Felvételt hirdetünk A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola 2024/25-ös tanévére, nappali tagozatra. Minden amit a nappali képzésünkről tudni szeretnétek, itt megtalálhatjátok.