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At Dharma Gate Buddhist College, oriental language training takes place on two levels:

  1. Five-and-a-half-semester Pali and Tibetan language specialization at BA level;
  2. At MA level, four semesters of specialization in Tibetan language and Indian language (Sanskrit-Pali).

In the specializations, the final semesters are no longer only about language learning, but also aim at translating original texts into Hungarian. In addition, students studying the specialization can also prepare individual translations and professional writings (articles, reviews, etc.).

On the following pages, we continuously publish the translations and other writings completed by the students (under the guidance of the instructors). We always post the latest version of the text (about every six months), because the written works can change, refine and expand. We envision the translation of longer texts as a project, with newer and newer grades joining one after the other, so that the translation of the entire text can be completed after a certain time.

We consider it important that new, authentic Hungarian translations from the extremely rich textual tradition of Buddhism be produced, as well as high-quality, professional writings. But it is also our stated intention that college students or those interested in the College get interested in language specializations.